
These are maps that made us laugh out loud. Well done, Cassidy, Riley, Dante, and Taylor. Well done.

8. Unicorn Island
Note the archipelago.

"Unicorn Island"
Cassidy H. of Alfred, Maine
Alfred Elementary

Note the rainbow's trousers and the Screaming Caves of Gurple Gurple Gurple.

Riley S.P. of South Berwick, Maine
Marshwood Great Works School

10. Home World
Note the stranded snowman in Antarctica. We hope he got the help he called for...

"Home World"
Dante M. of Nobleboro, Maine
Nobleboro Central School

11. Celebrities in the USA
Note the wealthy diapered toddler representing Hilary Swank.

"Celebrities in the USA"
Taylor W. of St. George, Maine
St. George School